Mesh Generators

Generating a finite element mesh can be a taunting task, especially when mesh refinements are needed. attempts to simplify that task using a series of Mesher sub-classes that allow you to mesh a geometric region based on the shape of a super-domain and mesh refinement parameters.


Meshers are currently under development but not yet available with the distribution. Stay tuned for updates.

Meshers shall be developed for the following geometric elements.

Lines and Curves

For beams and frame components.


Meshing along a curve.

Quadrilateral domains

For plate and shell elements, including in-plane and out-of plane loaded plates.


Meshing a quadrilateral patch with quadrilaterals or triangles.

Triangular domains

For plate and shell elements, including in-plane and out-of plane loaded plates.


Meshing a triangular patch with quadrilaterals or triangles.

3D Solid domains

For 8-node, 20-node, and 27-node brick elements.


Meshing a solid with brick elements.