Plotter class
Parent class
Class doc
- class femedu.plotter.Plotter.Plotter
class: representing a Plotter object
- addForces(axs)
add nodal forces to the plot shown in axs
- Parameters:
axs – axis on which to plot
- displacementPlot(file=None, **kwargs)
Create a deformed system plot
If file is given, store the plot to that file. Use proper file extensions to indicate the desired format (.png, .pdf)
- Parameters:
file – filename (str)
- setDisplacements(disp)
- Parameters:
- setMesh(vert, lines)
- Parameters:
- setReactions(R)
- Parameters:
R – list or tuple of nodal force vectors
- setValues(vals)
- Parameters:
- valuePlot(deformed=False, file=None, **kwargs)
Create a plot using colors to identify magnitude of internal force.
known variable_name keyword
‘ux’, ‘uy’, ‘uz’
displacement component in the x, y or z direction
‘rx’, ‘ry’, ‘rz’
rotation around the x, y or z axis
‘sxx’, ‘syy’, ‘szz’
normal stress \(\sigma_{xx}\), \(\sigma_{yy}\), \(\sigma_{zz}\)
‘sxy’, ‘syz’, ‘szx’
shear stress \(\sigma_{xy}\), \(\sigma_{yz}\), \(\sigma_{zx}\)
‘epsxx’, ‘epsyy’, ‘epszz’
normal strain \(\varepsilon_{xx}\), \(\varepsilon_{yy}\), \(\varepsilon_{zz}\)
‘epsxy’, ‘epsyz’, ‘epszx’
engineering shear strain \(\gamma_{xy}=2\varepsilon_{xy}\), \(\gamma_{yz}=2\varepsilon_{yz}\), \(\gamma_{zx}=2\varepsilon_{zx}\)
‘qx’, ‘qy’, ‘qz’
x, y or z component of the temperature gradient, \(q_i = \partial T/\partial x_i\)
If file is given, store the plot to that file. Use proper file extensions to indicate the desired format (.png, .pdf)
- Parameters:
deformed – True | False
file – filename (str)