Beam2D class
Parent class
Class doc
- class femedu.elements.linear.Beam2D.Beam2D(nodei, nodej, material, label=None)
Representing a 2D beam element.
The beam is defined along the X-axis. (Y-axis values are ignored)
Small displacements and small rotations
Navier’s and Bernoulli-Euler assumptions (plane sections and shear rigidity)
Linear elastic material (may change future releases)
The element is using dofs \(v\) (
) and \(\theta=v'\) (rz
)Internal variables self.nodes
nodes i and j (tuple)
pointer to Material object
internal force (list of arrays for shear, _V_, and moment, _M_)
nodal force vectors (list of np.arrays)
tangent stiffness (list of np.arrays)
- getInternalForce(variable='')
computes vectors of normalized locations (s: ndarray) for which values (val: ndarray) are provided. Values of s are normalized to the interval \([0,1]\).
- Returns:
tuple (s, val)
- resetLoads()
- setDistLoad(w)
- Parameters:
w – uniform load. positive if pointing in the local y-direction.
- updateState()
Compute internal state, nodal forces, and tangent stiffness for the current state of deformation.