Quad9 class
Parent class
Class doc
Patch test for the finite deformation 9-node quadrilateral
Full bi-quadratic interpolation
x y
x^2 x*y y^2
x^2*y x*y^2
- class femedu.elements.finite.Quad9.Quad9(node0, node1, node2, node3, node4, node5, node6, node7, node8, material, label=None)
class: representing a plane 9-node quadrilateral
This element works as 2D plate, loaded in-plane, and as a 3D membrane element.
For 2D plate behavior, define nodes as two-dimensional nodes
For 3D membrane behavior, define nodes as three-dimensional nodes
- computeSurfaceLoads()
compute surface loads using faces
This method should be called during
by every element supporting surface loadsNodes are mapped between the element and each Face2D as follows
Mapping element node IDs to face node IDs Face ID
Face nodes (0,1,2)
- mapGaussPoints(var)
Initiate mapping of Gauss-point values to nodes. This method is an internal method and should not be called by the user. Calling that method explicitly will cause faulty nodal values.
- Parameters:
var – variable code for a variable to be mapped from Gauss-points to nodes
- resetLoads()
default implementation for resetting element loads.
- setSurfaceLoad(face, pn, ps=0)
face ID
nodes defining that face
node 0
tonode 4
tonode 1
node 1
tonode 5
tonode 2
node 2
tonode 6
tonode 3
node 3
tonode 7
tonode 0
- Parameters:
face – face ID for the laoded face
pn – magnitude of distributed normal load per area. Tension on a surface is positive.
ps – magnitude of distributed shear load per area. Positive direction is defined as shown in the above table.
- updateState()