Mesher classes

This class represents no particular element but rather defines common functionality for all elements.


Every mesher in is derived from this class.


Meshers are currently under development but not yet available with the distribution. Stay tuned for updates.

Mesher base class
class femedu.mesher.Mesher.Mesher(model, *pts)
brickMesh(NeX, NeY, NeZ, element_type, material, **kwargs)

Solid mesher using brick elements

This is an abstract class - requires implementation in subclass

  • NeX (int) – number of elements along the first axis

  • NeY (int) – number of elements along the second axis

  • NeZ (int) – number of elements along the third axis

  • element_type – compatible element type

  • material – a material object

lineMesh(NeX, element_type, material, **kwargs)

nD mesher using line elements

This is an abstract class - requires implementation in subclass

  • NeX (int) – number of elements along the curve

  • element_type – compatible element type

  • material – a material object

quadMesh(NeX, NeY, element_type, material, **kwargs)

2D mesher using quadrilateral elements

This is an abstract class - requires implementation in subclass

  • NeX (int) – number of elements along the first axis

  • NeY (int) – number of elements along the second axis

  • element_type – compatible element type

  • material – a material object

shift(dx, dy)
  • dx – move patch to the right

  • dy – move patch up

tetMesh(NeX, NeY, NeZ, element_type, material, **kwargs)

Solid mesher using tetrahedral elements

This is an abstract class - requires implementation in subclass

  • NeX (int) – number of elements along the first axis

  • NeY (int) – number of elements along the second axis

  • NeZ (int) – number of elements along the third axis

  • element_type – compatible element type

  • material – a material object

tie(other, tol=0.001)

Check nodes of other Mesher object for (near) identical location to any node in this Mesher object. If overlap is identified, make the node in other a follower of the respective node in this Mesher.


other – Mesher instance

triangleMesh(NeX, NeY, element_type, material, **kwargs)

2D mesher using triangular elements

This is an abstract class - requires implementation in subclass

  • NeX (int) – number of elements along the first axis

  • NeY (int) – number of elements along the second axis

  • element_type – compatible element type

  • material – a material object

Derived Classes