CurveMesher class

Meshing of beams and frame components along a curve.

model = System()
mesher = CurveMesher(model, (0,0),(1.5,.25),(2,1),(3.,1.5))
mesher.mesh(10, Frame2D, ElasticSection())

Meshing a curve with 2-noded elements.

Parent class

Class doc

class femedu.mesher.CurveMesher.CurveMesher(model, *pts)

Mesher for beams and frame components.

mesh(Ne, element_type, material, **kwargs)

mesh a curve in 2d/3d using any kind of line element.

The given set of points are interpolated using B-splines

  • Ne (int) – number of elements along the curve

  • element_type – compatible element type (BEam, Frame2D, …)

  • material – a 1D material object or section model

Returns (nodes, elements):

  • nodes – list of created Node objects

  • elements – list of created (subclass of) Element objects