TriPatchMesher class

For plate and shell elements, including in-plane and out-of plane loaded plates.


Meshing a triangular patch with quadrilaterals or triangles.


Meshers are currently under development but not yet available with the distribution. Stay tuned for updates.

Parent class

Class doc

class femedu.mesher.TriPatchMesher.TriPatchMesher(model, *pts)

Mesher for plate and shell elements on a triangular domain, including in-plane and out-of plane loaded plates.

map(s, t)

maps the local coordinates (s,t) from a bi-unit-square to the actual position (x,y) in the global model space

quadMesh(Ne, element_type, material, **kwargs)

2D mesher using quadrilateral elements

This is an abstract class - requires implementation in subclass

  • Ne (int) – number of elements along each side

  • element_type – compatible element type

  • material – a material object

Returns (nodes, elements):

  • nodes – list of created Node objects

  • elements – list of created (subclass of) Element objects

triangleMesh(Ne, element_type, material, **kwargs)

2D mesher using triangular elements

This is an abstract class - requires implementation in subclass

  • Ne (int) – number of elements along each side

  • element_type – compatible element type

  • material – a material object

Returns (nodes, elements):

  • nodes – list of created Node objects

  • elements – list of created (subclass of) Element objects