Example: plate03


Initial system and meshing for the patch test.

We build the model based a few parameters as follows.

 1        # ========== setting mesh parameters ==============
 3        N = 8         # number of elements in the mesh
 4        Lx = 100.0    # length of plate in the x-direction
 5        Ly =  80.0    # length of plate in the y-direction
 7        # ========== setting material parameters ==============
 9        params = dict(
10            E  = 20000.,    # Young's modulus
11            nu = 0.250,     # Poisson's ratio
12            t  = 1.00       # thickness of the plate
13        )
15        # ========== setting load parameters ==============
17        px  = 10.0         # uniform load normal to x=const
18        py  =  0.0         # uniform load normal to y=const
19        pxy =  0.0         # uniform shear load on x=const and y=const
21        # ========== setting analysis parameters ==============
23        target_load_level = 1.00     # reference load
24        max_steps = 2                # number of load steps: 2 -> [0.0, 1.0]
26        # define a list of target load levels
27        load_levels = np.linspace(0, target_load_level, max_steps)

Lines 26-27 define the list of target load levels for the nonlinear analysis. For the patch test, we actually need only a single non-zero load level, though more may be used for other purposes.

All mesh creation is based solely on the above parameters to allow for easy manipulation of the model.

The actual model is built by the block below.

28        #
29        # ==== Build the system model ====
30        #
32        model = System()
33        model.setSolver(NewtonRaphsonSolver())
35        # create nodes
37        nodes = (
38            Node(0.0*Lx, 0.0*Ly),  # nd 0
39            Node(0.2*Lx, 0.0*Ly),  # nd 1
40            Node(0.5*Lx, 0.0*Ly),  # nd 2
41            Node(0.7*Lx, 0.0*Ly),  # nd 3
42            Node(1.0*Lx, 0.0*Ly),  # nd 4
43            #
44            Node(0.0*Lx, 0.2*Ly),  # nd 5
45            Node(0.15*Lx,0.3*Ly),  # nd 6
46            Node(0.5*Lx, 0.2*Ly),  # nd 7
47            Node(0.8*Lx, 0.3*Ly),  # nd 8
48            Node(1.0*Lx, 0.2*Ly),  # nd 9
49            #
50            Node(0.0*Lx, 0.6*Ly),  # nd 10
51            Node(0.2*Lx, 0.5*Ly),  # nd 11
52            Node(0.7*Lx, 0.7*Ly),  # nd 12
53            Node(0.9*Lx, 0.6*Ly),  # nd 13
54            Node(1.0*Lx, 0.8*Ly),  # nd 14
55            #
56            Node(0.0*Lx, 1.0*Ly),  # nd 15
57            Node(0.3*Lx, 1.0*Ly),  # nd 16
58            Node(0.55*Lx,1.0*Ly),  # nd 17
59            Node(0.8*Lx, 1.0*Ly),  # nd 18
60            Node(1.0*Lx, 1.0*Ly),  # nd 19
61        )
63        elements = (
64            LinearTriangle(nodes[0],nodes[1],nodes[5],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 0
65            LinearTriangle(nodes[1],nodes[2],nodes[6],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 1
66            LinearTriangle(nodes[2],nodes[3],nodes[7],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 2
67            LinearTriangle(nodes[3],nodes[4],nodes[8],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 3
68            #
69            LinearTriangle(nodes[6],nodes[5],nodes[1],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 4
70            LinearTriangle(nodes[7],nodes[6],nodes[2],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 5
71            LinearTriangle(nodes[8],nodes[7],nodes[3],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 6
72            LinearTriangle(nodes[9],nodes[8],nodes[4],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 7
73            #
74            LinearTriangle(nodes[5],nodes[6],nodes[10],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 8
75            LinearTriangle(nodes[6],nodes[7],nodes[11],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 9
76            LinearTriangle(nodes[7],nodes[8],nodes[12],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 10
77            LinearTriangle(nodes[8],nodes[9],nodes[13],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 11
78            #
79            LinearTriangle(nodes[11],nodes[10],nodes[6],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 12
80            LinearTriangle(nodes[12],nodes[11],nodes[7],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 13
81            LinearTriangle(nodes[13],nodes[12],nodes[8],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 14
82            LinearTriangle(nodes[14],nodes[13],nodes[9],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 15
83            #
84            LinearTriangle(nodes[10],nodes[11],nodes[15],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 16
85            LinearTriangle(nodes[11],nodes[12],nodes[16],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 17
86            LinearTriangle(nodes[12],nodes[13],nodes[17],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 18
87            LinearTriangle(nodes[13],nodes[14],nodes[18],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 19
88            #
89            LinearTriangle(nodes[16],nodes[15],nodes[11],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 20
90            LinearTriangle(nodes[17],nodes[16],nodes[12],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 21
91            LinearTriangle(nodes[18],nodes[17],nodes[13],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 22
92            LinearTriangle(nodes[19],nodes[18],nodes[14],PlaneStress(params)),  # elem 23
93        )
95        model.addNode(*nodes)
96        model.addElement(*elements)

Line 32 instantiates one model space.

Line 33 switches from the default linear solver to the NewtonRaphsonSolver, needed for nonlinear problems.

Lines 37-61 create the nodes, lines 63-93 create the elements and lines 95-96 adds them to the model space.

The patch test should be entirely load controlled and kinematic constraints shall be set to the absolute minimum: preventing a rigid body mode without ever imposing any constraints on deformation. The following lines represent such a minimum support.

 97        # define support(s)
 99        fix_x = (0,)
100        fix_y = (0,4)
102        for idx in fix_x:
103            nodes[idx].fixDOF('ux')    # horizontal support left end
104        for idx in fix_y:
105            nodes[idx].fixDOF('uy')          # vertical support right end

The load is applied as an equilibrium group, i.e., such that they do not generate any support reactions. A uniform horizontal tension is applied using surface loads.

106        # surface loads on the left side
107        elements[ 0].setSurfaceLoad(2,px)
108        elements[8].setSurfaceLoad(2,px)
109        elements[16].setSurfaceLoad(2,px)
111        # surface loads on the right side
112        elements[ 7].setSurfaceLoad(2,px)
113        elements[15].setSurfaceLoad(2,px)
114        elements[23].setSurfaceLoad(2,px)

See Example: plate02 for another, simpler example, and Triangle class for the definition of faces for this element.

The actual computation is as simple as a single call to the solver:

115        model.setLoadFactor(10.0)
116        model.solve()

You can obtain a debug-style report on the state of the system:

117        model.report()

The report will look something like this:

System Analysis Report

      x:    [0. 0.]
      fix:  ['ux', 'uy']
      u:    [0. 0.]
      x:    [20.  0.]
      u:    [9.92598389e-02 3.57659354e-16]
      x:    [50.  0.]
      u:    [2.48149597e-01 7.56113665e-16]

[ ... ]

  LinearTriangle: nodes ( Node_0 Node_1 Node_5 )
      material: PlaneStress
      strain: xx=4.975e-03 yy=-1.244e-03 xy=-6.038e-17 zz=-9.329e-04
      stress: xx=9.951e+01 yy=2.959e-12 xy=-4.830e-13 zz=0.000e+00
      element forces added to node:
          Node_0: [-800.    0.]
          Node_1: [0. 0.]
          Node_5: [-800.    0.]
  LinearTriangle: nodes ( Node_1 Node_2 Node_6 )
      material: PlaneStress
      strain: xx=4.975e-03 yy=-1.244e-03 xy=-7.754e-17 zz=-9.329e-04
      stress: xx=9.951e+01 yy=1.776e-12 xy=-6.203e-13 zz=0.000e+00
  LinearTriangle: nodes ( Node_2 Node_3 Node_7 )
      material: PlaneStress
      strain: xx=4.975e-03 yy=-1.244e-03 xy=2.659e-16 zz=-9.329e-04
      stress: xx=9.951e+01 yy=6.516e-12 xy=2.127e-12 zz=0.000e+00

[ ... ]

A visual check, however, is usually more convenient.

118        model.plot(factor=10., filename="plate03_deformed.png")

Deformed system at load level 1.00

Importing the example

from femedu.examples.plates.plate03 import *

# load the example
ex = ExamplePlate03()

More frame examples: Plate Examples