Buckling of a building frame

modeled using a 2D frame element

setting given parameters

N = 2

number of elements

L = 100.0

column length

EA = 2000000.0

axial stiffness

EI = 21000.0

flexural stiffness

w = 0.1

applied lateral load

Author: Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein

from femedu.examples.Example import *

from femedu.domain import *
from femedu.solver.NewtonRaphsonSolver import *
from femedu.elements.finite.Frame2D import *
from femedu.materials.ElasticSection import *

class ExampleFrame04(Example):

    def problem(self):
        # initialize a system model

        N  = 8     # number of elements

        B = 720.
        H = 720.

        E  = 29000.0
        A = 150.0
        I = 250.0

        w = 0.10
        load_at_nodes_only = False # set to True to apply equivalent nodal forces and moments

        Ph = 0.01      # additional horizontal load per floor
        Ph = 0.10      # additional horizontal load per floor
        Ph = 1.00      # additional horizontal load per floor
        Ph = 0.00      # additional horizontal load per floor

        # ========== setting global parameters ==============

        target_load_level = 33.
        max_steps = 10
        load_levels = np.linspace(0, target_load_level, max_steps)

        # ========= build your structural model =============

        model = System()

        x0 = 0.0
        x1 = B / 3
        x2 = 2 * B / 3
        x3 = B

        y0 = 0.0
        y1 = H / 4
        y2 = 2 * H / 4
        y3 = 3 * H / 4
        y4 = H

        X10 = Node(x0, y0)
        X11 = Node(x0, y1)
        X12 = Node(x0, y2)
        X13 = Node(x0, y3)
        X14 = Node(x0, y4)

        X20 = Node(x1, y0)
        X21 = Node(x1, y1)
        X22 = Node(x1, y2)
        X23 = Node(x1, y3)
        X24 = Node(x1, y4)

        X30 = Node(x2, y0)
        X31 = Node(x2, y1)
        X32 = Node(x2, y2)
        X33 = Node(x2, y3)
        X34 = Node(x2, y4)

        X40 = Node(x3, y0)
        X41 = Node(x3, y1)
        X42 = Node(x3, y2)
        X43 = Node(x3, y3)
        X44 = Node(x3, y4)


        # columns

        params = {'E': E, 'A': A, 'I': I}

        C11 = Frame2D(X10, X11, ElasticSection(params))
        C12 = Frame2D(X11, X12, ElasticSection(params))
        C13 = Frame2D(X12, X13, ElasticSection(params))
        C14 = Frame2D(X13, X14, ElasticSection(params))


        params = {'E': E, 'A': 2*A, 'I': 1.5*I}

        C21 = Frame2D(X20, X21, ElasticSection(params))
        C22 = Frame2D(X21, X22, ElasticSection(params))
        C23 = Frame2D(X22, X23, ElasticSection(params))
        C24 = Frame2D(X23, X24, ElasticSection(params))


        C31 = Frame2D(X30, X31, ElasticSection(params))
        C32 = Frame2D(X31, X32, ElasticSection(params))
        C33 = Frame2D(X32, X33, ElasticSection(params))
        C34 = Frame2D(X33, X34, ElasticSection(params))


        params = {'E': E, 'A': A, 'I': I}

        C41 = Frame2D(X40, X41, ElasticSection(params))
        C42 = Frame2D(X41, X42, ElasticSection(params))
        C43 = Frame2D(X42, X43, ElasticSection(params))
        C44 = Frame2D(X43, X44, ElasticSection(params))


        # floors

        params = {'E': E, 'A': A, 'I': 3*I}

        F11 = Frame2D(X11, X21, ElasticSection(params))
        F12 = Frame2D(X21, X31, ElasticSection(params))
        F13 = Frame2D(X31, X41, ElasticSection(params))


        F21 = Frame2D(X12, X22, ElasticSection(params))
        F22 = Frame2D(X22, X32, ElasticSection(params))
        F23 = Frame2D(X32, X42, ElasticSection(params))


        F31 = Frame2D(X13, X23, ElasticSection(params))
        F32 = Frame2D(X23, X33, ElasticSection(params))
        F33 = Frame2D(X33, X43, ElasticSection(params))


        F41 = Frame2D(X14, X24, ElasticSection(params))
        F42 = Frame2D(X24, X34, ElasticSection(params))
        F43 = Frame2D(X34, X44, ElasticSection(params))


        # fixities
        X10.fixDOF('ux','uy','rz')   # fixed
        X20.fixDOF('ux','uy','rz')   # fixed
        X30.fixDOF('ux','uy','rz')   # fixed
        X40.fixDOF('ux','uy','rz')   # fixed

        # reference load
        #Pcr = np.pi**2 * EI / L**2
        model.resetLoad()            # size load vector and initialize
        #model.addLoad(Xn, -Pcr, dof=0) # add a horizontal force (first dof only) ; remember C-style indexing: 0,1,...,(n-1)

        if load_at_nodes_only:

            # floor loading as nodal loads ...

            Pe = w * B/3
            Mi = w * (B/3)**2 /12

            X11.addLoad([-Pe/2., -Mi],['uy','rz'])
            X21.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  0.],['uy','rz'])
            X31.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  0.],['uy','rz'])
            X41.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  Mi],['uy','rz'])

            X12.addLoad([-Pe/2., -Mi],['uy','rz'])
            X22.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  0.],['uy','rz'])
            X32.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  0.],['uy','rz'])
            X42.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  Mi],['uy','rz'])

            X13.addLoad([-Pe/2., -Mi],['uy','rz'])
            X23.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  0.],['uy','rz'])
            X33.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  0.],['uy','rz'])
            X43.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  Mi],['uy','rz'])

            X14.addLoad([-Pe/2., -Mi],['uy','rz'])
            X24.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  0.],['uy','rz'])
            X34.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  0.],['uy','rz'])
            X44.addLoad([-Pe/2.,  Mi],['uy','rz'])


            # floor loading as distributed loads ...





        # wind load ...

        X11.addLoad([Ph],['ux'])   # horizontal load
        X12.addLoad([Ph],['ux'])   # horizontal load
        X13.addLoad([Ph],['ux'])   # horizontal load
        X14.addLoad([Ph/2],['ux']) # horizontal load

        # show model information

        print("\n==== perform the analysis ===\n")

        # * apply the load in multiple smaller load steps

        # set up data recorder

        # initialize the analysis:
        model.resetDisplacements()   # set U to all zeros
        model.setLoadFactor(0.0)     # define a known equilibrium solution


        detKt   = []
        lambdas = []

        # solve for all load_levels
        for loadfactor in load_levels:

            # define node X2 as the controled node; downward direction is prescribed:

            # stability check

            # report results

            print("\n=== next load level ===\n")

        # ==== create some nice plots ===


        model.plot(factor=10.0, filename="frame4_deformed.png", show_bc=1)

        fig, ax = plt.subplots()

        ax.set_xlabel('Load factor, $ \lambda $')
        ax.set_ylabel("Stability index, $ {det}\: {\\bf K}_t $")


        model.beamValuePlot("F", filename="frame4_force.png")
        model.beamValuePlot("V", filename="frame4_shear.png")
        model.beamValuePlot("M", filename="frame4_moment.png")

        model.plotBucklingMode(factor=100., mode=0, filename="frame4_buckling_mode0.png")
        model.plotBucklingMode(factor=100., mode=1, filename="frame4_buckling_mode1.png")
        model.plotBucklingMode(factor=100., mode=2, filename="frame4_buckling_mode2.png")
        model.plotBucklingMode(factor=100., mode=3, filename="frame4_buckling_mode3.png")

Run the example by creating an instance of the problem and executing it by calling Example.run()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ex = ExampleFrame04()
  • Deformed System (magnification=10.00)
  • plot frame04
  • Axial Forces
  • Shear Forces
  • Bending Moment
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = -0.05 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 3.53 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 13.51 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 34.10 $
System object
Node_199(x=[0. 0.], u=None)
Node_200(x=[  0. 180.], u=None)
Node_201(x=[  0. 360.], u=None)
Node_202(x=[  0. 540.], u=None)
Node_203(x=[  0. 720.], u=None)
Node_204(x=[240.   0.], u=None)
Node_205(x=[240. 180.], u=None)
Node_206(x=[240. 360.], u=None)
Node_207(x=[240. 540.], u=None)
Node_208(x=[240. 720.], u=None)
Node_209(x=[480.   0.], u=None)
Node_210(x=[480. 180.], u=None)
Node_211(x=[480. 360.], u=None)
Node_212(x=[480. 540.], u=None)
Node_213(x=[480. 720.], u=None)
Node_214(x=[720.   0.], u=None)
Node_215(x=[720. 180.], u=None)
Node_216(x=[720. 360.], u=None)
Node_217(x=[720. 540.], u=None)
Node_218(x=[720. 720.], u=None)
Frame2D(Node_199, Node_200, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 250.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_200, Node_201, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 250.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_201, Node_202, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 250.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_202, Node_203, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 250.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_204, Node_205, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 300.0, 'I': 375.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_205, Node_206, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 300.0, 'I': 375.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_206, Node_207, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 300.0, 'I': 375.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_207, Node_208, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 300.0, 'I': 375.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_209, Node_210, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 300.0, 'I': 375.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_210, Node_211, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 300.0, 'I': 375.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_211, Node_212, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 300.0, 'I': 375.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_212, Node_213, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 300.0, 'I': 375.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_214, Node_215, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 250.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_215, Node_216, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 250.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_216, Node_217, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 250.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_217, Node_218, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 250.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_200, Node_205, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_205, Node_210, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_210, Node_215, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_201, Node_206, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_206, Node_211, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_211, Node_216, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_202, Node_207, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_207, Node_212, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_212, Node_217, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_203, Node_208, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_208, Node_213, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))
Frame2D(Node_213, Node_218, ElasticSection(Material)({'E': 29000.0, 'A': 150.0, 'I': 750.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}))

==== perform the analysis ===

norm of the out-of-balance force:   0.0000e+00

 ** Stability check: (smallest 1 eigenvalues of Kt)
                        mode 0:        1.45


 ** Stability check: (smallest eigenvalue of Kt) = 1.4498657937111088


=== next load level ===

norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.9858e+03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.5683e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   6.8711e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.4169e-06
norm of the out-of-balance force:   9.9689e-08

 ** Stability check: (smallest 1 eigenvalues of Kt)
                        mode 0:        1.30


 ** Stability check: (smallest eigenvalue of Kt) = 1.3039606866588005


=== next load level ===

norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.9858e+03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   5.2545e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.8485e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.0791e-05
norm of the out-of-balance force:   3.3372e-08

 ** Stability check: (smallest 1 eigenvalues of Kt)
                        mode 0:        1.16


 ** Stability check: (smallest eigenvalue of Kt) = 1.1558244387593575


=== next load level ===

norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.9858e+03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   8.0699e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   6.6491e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.4329e-05
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.9083e-08

 ** Stability check: (smallest 1 eigenvalues of Kt)
                        mode 0:        1.00


 ** Stability check: (smallest eigenvalue of Kt) = 1.0049715576880547


=== next load level ===

norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.9858e+03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.1028e+02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2275e-01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.8726e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.4643e-07

 ** Stability check: (smallest 1 eigenvalues of Kt)
                        mode 0:        0.85


 ** Stability check: (smallest eigenvalue of Kt) = 0.850725023556207


=== next load level ===

norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.9858e+03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.4143e+02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.9938e-01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   3.8919e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force:   6.5055e-07

 ** Stability check: (smallest 1 eigenvalues of Kt)
                        mode 0:        0.69


 ** Stability check: (smallest eigenvalue of Kt) = 0.6920949784337074


=== next load level ===

norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.9858e+03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.7435e+02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.9877e-01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.1688e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.5063e-06
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.4952e-08

 ** Stability check: (smallest 1 eigenvalues of Kt)
                        mode 0:        0.53


 ** Stability check: (smallest eigenvalue of Kt) = 0.5275391347884245


=== next load level ===

norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.9858e+03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.0925e+02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.2361e-01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2154e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   3.0790e-06
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.2904e-08

 ** Stability check: (smallest 1 eigenvalues of Kt)
                        mode 0:        0.35


 ** Stability check: (smallest eigenvalue of Kt) = 0.35442857213693185


=== next load level ===

norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.9858e+03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.4638e+02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   5.7696e-01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.9401e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   5.8275e-06
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.0822e-08

 ** Stability check: (smallest 1 eigenvalues of Kt)
                        mode 0:        0.17


 ** Stability check: (smallest eigenvalue of Kt) = 0.16763438924630286


=== next load level ===

norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.9858e+03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.8607e+02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.6225e-01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.9585e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.0391e-05
norm of the out-of-balance force:   3.1113e-08

 ** Stability check: (smallest 1 eigenvalues of Kt)
                        mode 0:       -0.05


 ** Stability check: (smallest eigenvalue of Kt) = -0.04529626510335041


=== next load level ===

System Analysis Report

      x:    [0. 0.]
      fix:  ['ux', 'uy', 'rz']
      u:    [0. 0. 0.]
      x:    [  0. 180.]
      u:    [-0.00195269 -0.05845162 -0.02403623]
      x:    [  0. 360.]
      u:    [ 0.00035802 -0.10234068 -0.01990617]
      x:    [  0. 540.]
      u:    [-0.00103192 -0.13142317 -0.01829479]
      x:    [  0. 720.]
      u:    [ 0.00479755 -0.14562156 -0.0304816 ]
      x:    [240.   0.]
      fix:  ['ux', 'uy', 'rz']
      u:    [0. 0. 0.]
      x:    [240. 180.]
      u:    [-0.00054966 -0.06909143  0.00451655]
      x:    [240. 360.]
      u:    [ 4.92703197e-05 -1.20884831e-01  2.89826296e-03]
      x:    [240. 540.]
      u:    [-0.00019519 -0.15550221  0.00208175]
      x:    [240. 720.]
      u:    [ 0.00128191 -0.17298232  0.00685415]
      x:    [480.   0.]
      fix:  ['ux', 'uy', 'rz']
      u:    [0. 0. 0.]
      x:    [480. 180.]
      u:    [ 0.00054966 -0.06909143 -0.00451655]
      x:    [480. 360.]
      u:    [-4.92702630e-05 -1.20884831e-01 -2.89826296e-03]
      x:    [480. 540.]
      u:    [ 0.00019519 -0.15550221 -0.00208175]
      x:    [480. 720.]
      u:    [-0.00128191 -0.17298232 -0.00685415]
      x:    [720.   0.]
      fix:  ['ux', 'uy', 'rz']
      u:    [0. 0. 0.]
      x:    [720. 180.]
      u:    [ 0.00195269 -0.05845162  0.02403623]
      x:    [720. 360.]
      u:    [-0.00035802 -0.10234068  0.01990617]
      x:    [720. 540.]
      u:    [ 0.00103192 -0.13142317  0.01829479]
      x:    [720. 720.]
      u:    [-0.00479755 -0.14562156  0.0304816 ]

  Frame2D_309: nodes ( Node_199 Node_200 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-1412.58 V0=-28.72 M0=2190.63 fl=-1412.58 Vl=-28.72 Ml=-2981.99 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_310: nodes ( Node_200 Node_201 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-1060.65 V0=-54.15 M0=4967.18 fl=-1060.65 Vl=-54.15 Ml=-4777.61 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_311: nodes ( Node_201 Node_202 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-702.83 V0=-48.56 M0=4417.41 fl=-702.83 Vl=-48.56 Ml=-4323.51 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_312: nodes ( Node_202 Node_203 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-343.13 V0=-63.72 M0=5307.41 fl=-343.13 Vl=-63.72 Ml=-6160.35 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_313: nodes ( Node_204 Node_205 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-3339.42 V0=7.47 M0=-673.83 fl=-3339.42 Vl=7.47 Ml=668.39 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_314: nodes ( Node_205 Node_206 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-2503.35 V0=12.97 M0=-1196.02 fl=-2503.35 Vl=12.97 Ml=1140.41 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_315: nodes ( Node_206 Node_207 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-1673.17 V0=9.16 M0=-851.26 fl=-1673.17 Vl=9.16 Ml=797.45 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_316: nodes ( Node_207 Node_208 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-844.87 V0=17.25 M0=-1328.12 fl=-844.87 Vl=17.25 Ml=1778.43 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_317: nodes ( Node_209 Node_210 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-3339.42 V0=-7.47 M0=673.83 fl=-3339.42 Vl=-7.47 Ml=-668.39 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_318: nodes ( Node_210 Node_211 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-2503.35 V0=-12.97 M0=1196.02 fl=-2503.35 Vl=-12.97 Ml=-1140.41 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_319: nodes ( Node_211 Node_212 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-1673.17 V0=-9.16 M0=851.26 fl=-1673.17 Vl=-9.16 Ml=-797.45 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_320: nodes ( Node_212 Node_213 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-844.87 V0=-17.25 M0=1328.12 fl=-844.87 Vl=-17.25 Ml=-1778.43 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_321: nodes ( Node_214 Node_215 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-1412.58 V0=28.72 M0=-2190.63 fl=-1412.58 Vl=28.72 Ml=2981.99 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_322: nodes ( Node_215 Node_216 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-1060.65 V0=54.15 M0=-4967.18 fl=-1060.65 Vl=54.15 Ml=4777.61 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_323: nodes ( Node_216 Node_217 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-702.83 V0=48.56 M0=-4417.41 fl=-702.83 Vl=48.56 Ml=4323.51 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_324: nodes ( Node_217 Node_218 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-343.13 V0=63.72 M0=-5307.41 fl=-343.13 Vl=63.72 Ml=6160.35 Pw=0.00 Mw=0.00
  Frame2D_325: nodes ( Node_200 Node_205 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=25.43 V0=-44.07 M0=7890.83 fl=25.43 Vl=-44.07 Ml=-2686.63 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00
  Frame2D_326: nodes ( Node_205 Node_210 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=19.93 V0=-0.00 M0=-822.22 fl=19.93 Vl=-0.00 Ml=-822.22 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00
  Frame2D_327: nodes ( Node_210 Node_215 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=25.43 V0=44.07 M0=-2686.63 fl=25.43 Vl=44.07 Ml=7890.83 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00
  Frame2D_328: nodes ( Node_201 Node_206 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-5.60 V0=-38.17 M0=6644.98 fl=-5.60 Vl=-38.17 Ml=-2516.78 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00
  Frame2D_329: nodes ( Node_206 Node_211 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-1.79 V0=-0.00 M0=-525.10 fl=-1.79 Vl=-0.00 Ml=-525.10 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00
  Frame2D_330: nodes ( Node_211 Node_216 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-5.60 V0=38.17 M0=-2516.78 fl=-5.60 Vl=38.17 Ml=6644.98 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00
  Frame2D_331: nodes ( Node_202 Node_207 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=15.17 V0=-36.30 M0=6209.08 fl=15.17 Vl=-36.30 Ml=-2503.48 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00
  Frame2D_332: nodes ( Node_207 Node_212 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=7.08 V0=0.00 M0=-377.91 fl=7.08 Vl=0.00 Ml=-377.91 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00
  Frame2D_333: nodes ( Node_212 Node_217 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=15.17 V0=36.30 M0=-2503.48 fl=15.17 Vl=36.30 Ml=6209.08 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00
  Frame2D_334: nodes ( Node_203 Node_208 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-63.72 V0=-52.87 M0=9679.65 fl=-63.72 Vl=-52.87 Ml=-3007.97 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00
  Frame2D_335: nodes ( Node_208 Node_213 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-46.47 V0=0.00 M0=-1229.55 fl=-46.47 Vl=0.00 Ml=-1229.55 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00
  Frame2D_336: nodes ( Node_213 Node_218 )
      material: ElasticSection
      internal forces: f0=-63.72 V0=52.87 M0=-3007.97 fl=-63.72 Vl=52.87 Ml=9679.65 Pw=-396.00 Mw=-15840.00

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 2.778 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery