Go to the end to download the full example code.
Simple triangular truss.
The system is statically determined and allows for easy validation of calculated deformation, reactions and internal forces.
Author: Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein
from femedu.examples import Example
from femedu.domain import System, Node
from femedu.elements.linear import Truss
from femedu.materials import FiberMaterial
Create the example by subclassing the Example
class ExampleTruss01(Example):
def problem(self):
# initialize a system model
B = 6.0 * 12
H = 3.0 * 12
params = {'E': 10., 'A': 1., 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1.e30}
model = System()
# create nodes
nd0 = Node(0.0, 0.0)
nd1 = Node( B, 0.0)
nd2 = Node(0.5*B, H)
model.addNode(nd0, nd1, nd2)
# create elements
model.addElement(Truss(nd0, nd1, FiberMaterial(params))) # bottom 1
model.addElement(Truss(nd0, nd2, FiberMaterial(params))) # up right diag 1
model.addElement(Truss(nd1, nd2, FiberMaterial(params))) # up left diag 1
# define support(s)
nd0.fixDOF('ux', 'uy') # pin support left end
nd1.fixDOF('uy') # roller support right end
# add loads
# .. load only the upper nodes
nd2.setLoad([0.0, -1.0], ('ux', 'uy'))
# analyze the model
# write out report
# create plots
model.plot(factor=1., filename="truss01_deformed.png")
Run the example by creating an instance of the problem and executing it by calling
if __name__ == "__main__":
ex = ExampleTruss01()
System Analysis Report
x: [0.000 0.000]
fix: ['ux', 'uy']
u: [0.000 0.000]
x: [72.000 0.000]
fix: ['uy']
u: [3.600 0.000]
x: [36.000 36.000]
P: [0.000 -1.000]
u: [1.800 -6.891]
Truss: Node_24 to Node_25:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10.0, 'A': 1.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.04999999999999999 stress:{'xx': np.float64(0.4999999999999999), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.4999999999999999
Truss: Node_24 to Node_26:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10.0, 'A': 1.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:-0.07071067811865474 stress:{'xx': np.float64(-0.7071067811865474), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: -0.7071067811865474
Truss: Node_25 to Node_26:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10.0, 'A': 1.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:-0.07071067811865472 stress:{'xx': np.float64(-0.7071067811865472), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: -0.7071067811865472
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.038 seconds)