Statically determinate truss bridge.

The system is statically determined and allows for relatively easy validation of calculated deformation, reactions and internal forces.

Author: Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein

from femedu.examples import Example

from femedu.domain import System, Node
from femedu.solver import NewtonRaphsonSolver
from femedu.elements.linear import Truss
from femedu.materials import FiberMaterial

class ExampleTruss02(Example):

    def problem(self):
        # initialize a system model
        P = -10.0      # reference load on top nodes
        B = 6.0 * 12   # with of one bay in inches
        H = 8.0 * 12   # height of one bay in inches

        # material model parameters
        params = {'E': 10000., 'A': 3., 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1.e30}

        model = System()

        # create nodes
        nd0 = Node(0.0, 0.0)
        nd1 = Node(  B, 0.0)
        nd2 = Node(2*B, 0.0)
        nd3 = Node(3*B, 0.0)
        nd4 = Node(4*B, 0.0)
        nd5 = Node(0.5*B, H)
        nd6 = Node(1.5*B, H)
        nd7 = Node(2.5*B, H)
        nd8 = Node(3.5*B, H)

        model.addNode(nd0, nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8)

        # create elements
        model.addElement(Truss(nd0, nd1, FiberMaterial(params)))  # bottom 1
        model.addElement(Truss(nd1, nd2, FiberMaterial(params)))  # bottom 2
        model.addElement(Truss(nd2, nd3, FiberMaterial(params)))  # bottom 3
        model.addElement(Truss(nd3, nd4, FiberMaterial(params)))  # bottom 4

        model.addElement(Truss(nd5, nd6, FiberMaterial(params)))  # upper 1
        model.addElement(Truss(nd6, nd7, FiberMaterial(params)))  # upper 2
        model.addElement(Truss(nd7, nd8, FiberMaterial(params)))  # upper 3

        model.addElement(Truss(nd0, nd5, FiberMaterial(params)))  # up right diag 1
        model.addElement(Truss(nd1, nd6, FiberMaterial(params)))  # up right diag 2
        model.addElement(Truss(nd2, nd7, FiberMaterial(params)))  # up right diag 3
        model.addElement(Truss(nd3, nd8, FiberMaterial(params)))  # up right diag 4

        model.addElement(Truss(nd1, nd5, FiberMaterial(params)))  # up left diag 1
        model.addElement(Truss(nd2, nd6, FiberMaterial(params)))  # up left diag 2
        model.addElement(Truss(nd3, nd7, FiberMaterial(params)))  # up left diag 3
        model.addElement(Truss(nd4, nd8, FiberMaterial(params)))  # up left diag 4

        # define support(s)
        nd0.fixDOF('ux', 'uy')    # horizontal support left end
        nd4.fixDOF('uy')            # vertical support right end

        # add loads
        # .. load only the upper nodes
        nd5.setLoad((P,), ('uy',))
        nd6.setLoad((P,), ('uy',))
        nd7.setLoad((P,), ('uy',))
        nd8.setLoad((P,), ('uy',))

        model.plot(factor=1., filename="truss02_undeformed.png", title="Undeformed System", show_bc=1)

        # analyze the model

        # write out report

        # create plots
        model.plot(factor=50.,  filename="truss02_deformed.png", show_loads=1, show_reactions=1)

Run the example by creating an instance of the problem and executing it by calling

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ex = ExampleTruss02()
  • Undeformed System
  • Deformed System (magnification=50.00)
  • Axial Forces
/Users/pmackenz/Development/Educational/ RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice.
  amean = a.mean()
/Users/pmackenz/Development/Educational/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in scalar divide
  ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount)

System Analysis Report

      x:    [0.000 0.000]
      fix:  ['ux', 'uy']
      u:    [0.000 0.000]
      x:    [72.000 0.000]
      u:    [0.018 -0.184]
      x:    [144.000 0.000]
      u:    [0.054 -0.250]
      x:    [216.000 0.000]
      u:    [0.090 -0.184]
      x:    [288.000 0.000]
      fix:  ['uy']
      u:    [0.108 0.000]
      x:    [36.000 96.000]
      P:    [0.000 -10.000]
      u:    [0.099 -0.115]
      x:    [108.000 96.000]
      P:    [0.000 -10.000]
      u:    [0.072 -0.244]
      x:    [180.000 96.000]
      P:    [0.000 -10.000]
      u:    [0.036 -0.244]
      x:    [252.000 96.000]
      P:    [0.000 -10.000]
      u:    [0.009 -0.115]

  Truss: Node_27 to Node_28:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:0.00025000000000000033   stress:{'xx': np.float64(2.500000000000003), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: 7.500000000000009
  Truss: Node_28 to Node_29:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:0.0005000000000000004   stress:{'xx': np.float64(5.000000000000004), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: 15.000000000000014
  Truss: Node_29 to Node_30:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:0.0005000000000000003   stress:{'xx': np.float64(5.0000000000000036), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: 15.00000000000001
  Truss: Node_30 to Node_31:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:0.0002500000000000002   stress:{'xx': np.float64(2.500000000000002), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: 7.500000000000007
  Truss: Node_32 to Node_33:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:-0.00037499999999999995   stress:{'xx': np.float64(-3.7499999999999996), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: -11.249999999999998
  Truss: Node_33 to Node_34:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:-0.0005000000000000002   stress:{'xx': np.float64(-5.000000000000003), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: -15.000000000000007
  Truss: Node_34 to Node_35:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:-0.0003750000000000001   stress:{'xx': np.float64(-3.7500000000000013), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: -11.250000000000004
  Truss: Node_27 to Node_32:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:-0.0007120003121097943   stress:{'xx': np.float64(-7.120003121097944), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: -21.36000936329383
  Truss: Node_28 to Node_33:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:-0.0003560001560548976   stress:{'xx': np.float64(-3.560001560548976), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: -10.680004681646928
  Truss: Node_29 to Node_34:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:2.5379253212048097e-20   stress:{'xx': np.float64(2.5379253212048096e-16), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: 7.613775963614429e-16
  Truss: Node_30 to Node_35:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:0.0003560001560548972   stress:{'xx': np.float64(3.560001560548972), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: 10.680004681646915
  Truss: Node_28 to Node_32:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:0.00035600015605489707   stress:{'xx': np.float64(3.5600015605489705), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: 10.680004681646912
  Truss: Node_29 to Node_33:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:2.7917178533252903e-19   stress:{'xx': np.float64(2.7917178533252904e-15), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: 8.375153559975872e-15
  Truss: Node_30 to Node_34:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:-0.0003560001560548976   stress:{'xx': np.float64(-3.560001560548976), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: -10.680004681646928
  Truss: Node_31 to Node_35:
      material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 10000.0, 'A': 3.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30})  strain:-0.0007120003121097943   stress:{'xx': np.float64(-7.120003121097944), 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
      internal force: -21.36000936329383

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.072 seconds)

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