Go to the end to download the full example code.
Post-buckling of a truss column using displacement Control.
This is the same structure as in problem Post-buckling of a truss column using load Control. but using a mix of load control and displacement control.
Author: Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from femedu.examples import Example
from femedu.domain import System, Node
from femedu.elements.finite import Truss
from femedu.materials import FiberMaterial
from femedu.solver import NewtonRaphsonSolver
Create the example by subclassing the Example
class ExampleTruss08(Example):
def problem(self):
# units
mm = 1.
m = 1000. * mm
N = 1.0
kN = 1000. * N
MN = 1000. * kN
Pa = N / m**2
MPa = 1.e6 * Pa
GPa = 1000. * MPa
# mesh parameters
H = 5.00 * m
W = H / 20
Px = 0.05 * kN
#Ny = 11
Ny = 20
params_vert = dict(
E = 200 * GPa,
A = 10 * mm**2
params_diag = dict(
E = 200 * GPa,
A = 50 * mm**2
params_brace = dict(
E = 200 * GPa,
A = 50 * mm**2
EI = params_vert['E'] * params_vert['A'] * W**2 / 2
Py = EI * np.pi**2 / (2*H)**2
# initialize a system model
model = System()
# create floor nodes
h = 0.0
nd0 = Node(0.0, h)
nd1 = Node( W, h)
nd_00 = nd0
nd_01 = nd1
model.addNode(nd0, nd1)
for layer in range(Ny):
h += H / Ny
nd_10 = Node(0.0, h)
nd_11 = Node( W, h)
model.addNode(nd_10, nd_11)
# create elements
model += Truss(nd_00, nd_10, FiberMaterial(params_vert))
model += Truss(nd_01, nd_11, FiberMaterial(params_vert))
model += Truss(nd_00, nd_11, FiberMaterial(params_diag))
model += Truss(nd_10, nd_11, FiberMaterial(params_brace))
# prep for the next level
nd_00 = nd_10
nd_01 = nd_11
# apply boundary conditions
# build reference load
nd_10.addLoad([ Px/2],['ux'])
nd_11.addLoad([ Px/2],['ux'])
# write out report
# create plots
model.setLoadFactor(1.0) # needed to show the reference load
model.plot(factor=0., filename="truss08_undeformed.png", show_loads=1, show_bc=1, title="Undeformed System")
# performing the analysis
# setting target load levels
levels = np.linspace(0.0, 2.00, 30)
# set up data collection
load_list = []
data_list = []
# reset the analysis
# apply all load steps
for lam in levels:
# collect data
# stop load control once lateral displacement of the top node exceeds 75 mm
if nd_11.getDisp('ux')[0] > 75 * mm:
# plot the deformed shape
title="Deformed Sytem at Transition to Displacement Control",
show_loads=False, show_reactions=False)
# switching to displacement control
# remember displacement at which we switched to displacement control
disp_switch = nd_11.getDisp('ux')[0]
# let's start the displacement control at the current level to verify
# functionality.
target = disp_switch
while True:
model.setDisplacementControl(nd_11, 'ux', target)
# collect data
lam = model.loadfactor
# increase the target displacement by 200 mm
target += 200 * mm
# stop displacement control once lateral displacement of the top node exceeds 3500 mm
if nd_11.getDisp('ux')[0] > 3500 * mm:
title="Deformed Sytem at Transition back to Load Control",
show_loads=False, show_reactions=False)
# returning to load control
# remember displacement at which we switched to displacement control
lam_switch = model.loadfactor
# let's start the load control at the current level to verify
# functionality.
lam = lam_switch
while True:
# collect data
# increase the target load level by $ \Delta \lambda = 0.10 $
lam += 0.10
# stop load control once the load level exceeds 2.0
if lam > 2.0:
# plot the deformed shape
title="Deformed Sytem at $ \\lambda={:.2f} $".format(lam),
show_loads=False, show_reactions=False)
levels = np.array(load_list)
data = np.array(data_list)
plt.plot(data, levels, '--o')
plt.plot([disp_switch, disp_switch], [0.0,1.1],'-r')
plt.text(2.0*disp_switch, 1.05, "transition to\ndisplacement control", rotation=90.)
plt.plot([0.5*target,1.1*target], [lam_switch, lam_switch], '-g')
plt.text(0.5*target, 1.05 * lam_switch, "transition to\nload control" , ha='left')
plt.xlabel('displacements $ u_i $')
plt.ylabel('load factor $ \\lambda $')
plt.legend(['$ u_x $','$ u_y $'])
Run the example by creating an instance of the problem and executing it by calling
if __name__ == "__main__":
ex = ExampleTruss08()
System Analysis Report
x: [0.000 0.000]
fix: ['ux', 'uy']
u: None
x: [250.000 0.000]
fix: ['ux', 'uy']
u: None
x: [0.000 250.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 250.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 500.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 500.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 750.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 750.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 1000.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 1000.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 1250.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 1250.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 1500.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 1500.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 1750.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 1750.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 2000.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 2000.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 2250.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 2250.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 2500.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 2500.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 2750.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 2750.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 3000.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 3000.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 3250.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 3250.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 3500.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 3500.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 3750.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 3750.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 4000.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 4000.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 4250.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 4250.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 4500.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 4500.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 4750.000]
u: None
x: [250.000 4750.000]
u: None
x: [0.000 5000.000]
P: [25.000 -3084.251]
u: None
x: [250.000 5000.000]
P: [25.000 -3084.251]
u: None
Truss: Node_93 to Node_95:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_94 to Node_96:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_93 to Node_96:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_95 to Node_96:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_95 to Node_97:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_96 to Node_98:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_95 to Node_98:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_97 to Node_98:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_97 to Node_99:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_98 to Node_100:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_97 to Node_100:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_99 to Node_100:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_99 to Node_101:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_100 to Node_102:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_99 to Node_102:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_101 to Node_102:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_101 to Node_103:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_102 to Node_104:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_101 to Node_104:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_103 to Node_104:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_103 to Node_105:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_104 to Node_106:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_103 to Node_106:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_105 to Node_106:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_105 to Node_107:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_106 to Node_108:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_105 to Node_108:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_107 to Node_108:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_107 to Node_109:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_108 to Node_110:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_107 to Node_110:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_109 to Node_110:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_109 to Node_111:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_110 to Node_112:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_109 to Node_112:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_111 to Node_112:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_111 to Node_113:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_112 to Node_114:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_111 to Node_114:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_113 to Node_114:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_113 to Node_115:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_114 to Node_116:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_113 to Node_116:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_115 to Node_116:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_115 to Node_117:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_116 to Node_118:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_115 to Node_118:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_117 to Node_118:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_117 to Node_119:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_118 to Node_120:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_117 to Node_120:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_119 to Node_120:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_119 to Node_121:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_120 to Node_122:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_119 to Node_122:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_121 to Node_122:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_121 to Node_123:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_122 to Node_124:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_121 to Node_124:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_123 to Node_124:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_123 to Node_125:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_124 to Node_126:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_123 to Node_126:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_125 to Node_126:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_125 to Node_127:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_126 to Node_128:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_125 to Node_128:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_127 to Node_128:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_127 to Node_129:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_128 to Node_130:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_127 to Node_130:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_129 to Node_130:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_129 to Node_131:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_130 to Node_132:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_129 to Node_132:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_131 to Node_132:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_131 to Node_133:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_132 to Node_134:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 10.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_131 to Node_134:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Truss: Node_133 to Node_134:
material properties: FiberMaterial(Material)({'E': 200000.0, 'A': 50.0, 'nu': 0.0, 'fy': 1e+30}) strain:0.0 stress:{'xx': 0.0, 'yy': 0.0, 'zz': 0.0, 'xy': 0.0}
internal force: 0.0
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 6.288 seconds)