Bending a cantilever beam using Quad elements

Using PatchMesher to model the beam

Background Theory

This problem can be approximately validated using Bernoulli-Euler theory for small deformations. The given problem shall be modeled using





modulus of elasticity (in ksi)



area moment of inertia (in \(inches^4\))


length of the cantilever (in inches)


force at \(x=L\) (in kips)

The general solution then yields

\[v(x) = -\frac{P L^3}{6 EI}\left( \frac{x}{L} \right)^2\left( 3 - \frac{x}{L} \right)\]
\[\theta(x) = \frac{d}{dx} v(x) = -\frac{P L^2}{2 EI}\left( \frac{x}{L} \right)\left( 2 - \frac{x}{L} \right)\]
\[M(x) = EI \frac{d}{dx} \theta(x) = -\frac{P L}{6} \left( 1 - \frac{x}{L} \right)\]
\[V(x) = \frac{d}{dx} M(x) = P\]

The horizontal movement follows as (\(2^{nd}\) order accurate)

\[u(x) = \int\limits_{0}^{x} -\frac{1}{2} \theta^2(s) \: ds = -\frac{P^2 L^5}{120 (EI)^2}\left( \frac{x}{L} \right)^3\left( 20 - 15\:\frac{x}{L}+3 \left( \frac{x}{L} \right)^2 \right)\]
Reference values for a load factor of \(\lambda=1.0\)






end displacement (in inches). \(u>0\) means moving to the right.



end displacement (in inches). \(v>0\) means moving up.

Reference values for a load factor of \(\lambda=10.0\)






end displacement (in inches). \(u>0\) means moving to the right.



end displacement (in inches). \(v>0\) means moving up.

import numpy as np

from femedu.examples import Example

from femedu.domain import System, Node
from femedu.solver import NewtonRaphsonSolver
#from femedu.elements.linear import Quad
from femedu.elements.finite import Quad
from femedu.materials import PlaneStress
from femedu.mesher import *

class ExamplePlate14(Example):

    def problem(self):
        # ========== setting mesh parameters ==============

        Nx = 24       # number of elements in the mesh
        Ny = 8        # number of elements in the mesh
        Lx = 120.0    # length of plate in the x-direction
        Ly =  20.0    # length of plate in the y-direction

        # ========== setting material parameters ==============

        params = dict(
            E  = 20000.,    # Young's modulus
            nu = 0.250,     # Poisson's ratio
            t  = 1.00       # thickness of the plate

        # ========== setting load parameters ==============

        px  =  0.0         # uniform load normal to x=Lx
        py  =  0.0         # uniform load normal to y=Ly
        pxy =  1.5         # uniform shear load on x=L

        # ========== setting analysis parameters ==============

        target_load_level = 10.00    # reference load
        max_steps = 10               # number of load steps: 2 -> [0.0, 1.0]

        # define a list of target load levels
        load_levels = np.linspace(0, target_load_level, max_steps+1)

        # ==== Build the system model ====

        model = System()

        # create nodes

        mesher = PatchMesher(model, (0.,0.),(Lx,0.),(Lx,Ly),(0.,Ly) )
        nodes, elements = mesher.quadMesh(Nx, Ny, Quad, PlaneStress(params))

        # define support(s)

        ## find nodes at x==0
        for node, _ in model.findNodesAlongLine((0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0)):
            node.fixDOF('ux', 'uy')

        # ==== complete the reference load ====

        # the section at the right end
        for _, face in model.findFacesAlongLine((Lx, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), orientation=+1):
            face.setLoad(px, -pxy)

        # durface loading on the top face
        for _, face in model.findFacesAlongLine((0.0, Ly), (1.0, 0.0), orientation=-1):
            face.setLoad(-py, 0.0)

        # find the node on the beam axis (y==Ly/2) at the end of the beam (x==Lx)
        end_node, _ = model.findNodesAt((Lx, Ly/2))[0]

        # set up a recorder
        model.initRecorder(variables=['ux','uy'], nodes=[end_node])

        model.plot(factor=0, title="undeformed system", filename="plate11_undeformed.png", show_bc=1, show_loads=1)

        for lf in load_levels:



        model.plot(factor=1., filename=f"plate11_deformed_lf{lf:.2f}.png", show_bc=1, show_loads=1, show_reactions=1)

        model.valuePlot('sxx', show_mesh=True)
        model.valuePlot('sxy', show_mesh=True)

        # create a history plot for the end node

        model.historyPlot('lam', ['ux','uy'], nodes=[end_node,end_node])
        model.historyPlot(('ux',end_node), 'uy', node=end_node)

Run the example by creating an instance of the problem and executing it by calling

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ex = ExamplePlate14()
  • undeformed system
  • Deformed System (magnification=1.00)
  • Contours of '$\sigma_{xx}$'
  • Contours of '$\sigma_{xy}$'
  • Load History Plot
  • Load History Plot
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2022e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.0270e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.7668e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2854e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.4489e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.0270e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.7628e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2849e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.1635e-08
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.0270e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.7508e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2833e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.1304e-08
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.0270e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.7310e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2805e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   8.9153e-08
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.0270e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.7033e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2766e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.5389e-07
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.0270e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.6680e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2715e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   2.3300e-07
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.0270e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.6252e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2653e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   3.2471e-07
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.0270e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.5752e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2579e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   4.2585e-07
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.0270e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.5182e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2493e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   5.3421e-07
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.0270e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   7.4544e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force:   1.2394e-02
norm of the out-of-balance force:   6.4640e-07
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 9.276 seconds)

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