Go to the end to download the full example code.
Benchmark problem: Wedged Plate - finite deformations
Using PatchMesher to model the plate
nodal boundary conditions using location-based search
face loads using location-based search
finite deformation Triangle6 and Quad9 elements
history plot feature
import numpy as np
from femedu.examples import Example
from femedu.domain import System
from femedu.solver import NewtonRaphsonSolver
from femedu.elements.finite import Quad9, Triangle6
from femedu.materials import PlaneStress
from femedu.mesher import *
class Example21_Benchmark01(Example):
def problem(self):
# ========== setting mesh parameters ==============
Nx = 8 # number of elements in the mesh
Ny = 4 # number of elements in the mesh
L1 = 48.0
L2 = 44.0
L3 = 16.0
# ========== setting material parameters ==============
params = dict(
E=1000., # Young's modulus
nu=0.3, # Poisson's ratio
t=1.00 # thickness of the plate
# ========== setting load parameters ==============
px = 0.0 # uniform load normal to x=Lx
pxy = 100.0 / L3 # uniform shear load on x=L1
# ========== setting analysis parameters ==============
target_load_level = 5.00 # reference load
max_steps = 25 # number of load steps: 2 -> [0.0, 1.0]
# define a list of target load levels
load_levels = np.linspace(0, target_load_level, max_steps+1)
# ==== Build the system model ====
model = System()
# create nodes
mesher = PatchMesher(model, (0., 0.), (L1, L2), (L1, L2 + L3), (0., L2))
nodes, elements = mesher.quadMesh(Nx, Ny, Quad9, PlaneStress(params))
mesher.shift(1.25 * L1, 0.0)
nodes2, elements2 = mesher.triangleMesh(Nx, Ny, Triangle6, PlaneStress(params))
nodes += nodes2
elements += elements2
# ==== Apply boundary conditions ====
# the left model
## fix left side
for node, _ in model.findNodesAlongLine((0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0)):
node.fixDOF('ux', 'uy')
## define loads ...
for _, face in model.findFacesAlongLine((L1, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), orientation=+1):
face.setLoad(px, pxy)
## locate the node at the centerline
nodeA, dist = model.findNodesAt((L1, L2 + L3))[0]
# the right model
## fix left side
for node, _ in model.findNodesAlongLine((1.25 * L1, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0)):
node.fixDOF('ux', 'uy')
## define loads ...
for _, face in model.findFacesAlongLine((2.25 * L1, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), orientation=+1):
face.setLoad(px, pxy)
## locate the node at the centerline
nodeB, dist = model.findNodesAt((2.25 * L1, L2 + L3))[0]
# set up a recorder
model.initRecorder(variables=['ux', 'uy'], nodes=[nodeA, nodeB])
model.plot(factor=0, title="undeformed system", filename="benchmark01_undeformed.png", show_bc=1, show_loads=1)
for lf in load_levels:
model.plot(factor=1., show_bc=1, show_loads=1, show_reactions=1)
model.valuePlot('sxx', show_mesh=1)
model.valuePlot('syy', show_mesh=1)
model.valuePlot('sxy', show_mesh=1)
# create a history plot for the end node
# model.historyPlot('lam', ['ux','uy'], nodes=[nodeA,nodeA])
# model.historyPlot('lam', ['ux','uy'], nodes=[nodeB,nodeB])
model.historyPlot('lam', ['ux', 'uy', 'ux', 'uy'], nodes=[nodeA, nodeA, nodeB, nodeB])
Run the example by creating an instance of the problem and executing it by calling
if __name__ == "__main__":
ex = Example21_Benchmark01()
+ Quad9_6950: nodes ( Node_4418 Node_4420 Node_4454 Node_4452 Node_4419 Node_4437 Node_4453 Node_4435 Node_4436 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Quad9_6950: nodes ( Node_4418 Node_4420 Node_4454 Node_4452 Node_4419 Node_4437 Node_4453 Node_4435 Node_4436 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Quad9_6950: nodes ( Node_4418 Node_4420 Node_4454 Node_4452 Node_4419 Node_4437 Node_4453 Node_4435 Node_4436 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Quad9_6958: nodes ( Node_4452 Node_4454 Node_4488 Node_4486 Node_4453 Node_4471 Node_4487 Node_4469 Node_4470 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Quad9_6958: nodes ( Node_4452 Node_4454 Node_4488 Node_4486 Node_4453 Node_4471 Node_4487 Node_4469 Node_4470 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Quad9_6958: nodes ( Node_4452 Node_4454 Node_4488 Node_4486 Node_4453 Node_4471 Node_4487 Node_4469 Node_4470 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Quad9_6966: nodes ( Node_4486 Node_4488 Node_4522 Node_4520 Node_4487 Node_4505 Node_4521 Node_4503 Node_4504 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Quad9_6966: nodes ( Node_4486 Node_4488 Node_4522 Node_4520 Node_4487 Node_4505 Node_4521 Node_4503 Node_4504 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Quad9_6966: nodes ( Node_4486 Node_4488 Node_4522 Node_4520 Node_4487 Node_4505 Node_4521 Node_4503 Node_4504 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Quad9_6974: nodes ( Node_4520 Node_4522 Node_4556 Node_4554 Node_4521 Node_4539 Node_4555 Node_4537 Node_4538 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Quad9_6974: nodes ( Node_4520 Node_4522 Node_4556 Node_4554 Node_4521 Node_4539 Node_4555 Node_4537 Node_4538 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Quad9_6974: nodes ( Node_4520 Node_4522 Node_4556 Node_4554 Node_4521 Node_4539 Node_4555 Node_4537 Node_4538 )
material: PlaneStress
strain (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (0): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (1): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (2): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (3): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (5): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (7): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_6989: nodes ( Node_4571 Node_4573 Node_4605 Node_4572 Node_4589 Node_4588 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_6990: nodes ( Node_4607 Node_4605 Node_4573 Node_4606 Node_4589 Node_4590 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_6990: nodes ( Node_4607 Node_4605 Node_4573 Node_4606 Node_4589 Node_4590 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_6990: nodes ( Node_4607 Node_4605 Node_4573 Node_4606 Node_4589 Node_4590 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7005: nodes ( Node_4605 Node_4607 Node_4639 Node_4606 Node_4623 Node_4622 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7006: nodes ( Node_4641 Node_4639 Node_4607 Node_4640 Node_4623 Node_4624 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7006: nodes ( Node_4641 Node_4639 Node_4607 Node_4640 Node_4623 Node_4624 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7006: nodes ( Node_4641 Node_4639 Node_4607 Node_4640 Node_4623 Node_4624 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7021: nodes ( Node_4639 Node_4641 Node_4673 Node_4640 Node_4657 Node_4656 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7022: nodes ( Node_4675 Node_4673 Node_4641 Node_4674 Node_4657 Node_4658 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7022: nodes ( Node_4675 Node_4673 Node_4641 Node_4674 Node_4657 Node_4658 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7022: nodes ( Node_4675 Node_4673 Node_4641 Node_4674 Node_4657 Node_4658 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7037: nodes ( Node_4673 Node_4675 Node_4707 Node_4674 Node_4691 Node_4690 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7038: nodes ( Node_4709 Node_4707 Node_4675 Node_4708 Node_4691 Node_4692 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7038: nodes ( Node_4709 Node_4707 Node_4675 Node_4708 Node_4691 Node_4692 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
+ Triangle6_7038: nodes ( Node_4709 Node_4707 Node_4675 Node_4708 Node_4691 Node_4692 )
material: PlaneStress
strain 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 0: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 1: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
strain 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=-0.000e+00
stress 2: xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=0.000e+00 zz=0.000e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.1372e-10
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 4.4148e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.7209e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force: 9.7855e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 4.2749e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.6512e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force: 9.4793e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 4.1351e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.5809e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force: 9.0103e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 3.9960e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.5105e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force: 8.5706e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 3.8580e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.4404e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force: 8.0254e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 3.7216e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.3709e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force: 7.4338e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 3.5873e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.3025e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force: 6.7808e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 3.4554e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.2354e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force: 6.2301e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 3.3263e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.1699e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force: 5.6192e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 3.2001e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.1062e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force: 5.1121e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 3.0772e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0446e-03
norm of the out-of-balance force: 4.5933e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.9577e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 9.8513e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 4.1141e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.8417e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 9.2800e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 3.6971e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.7294e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 8.7327e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 3.2329e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.6208e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 8.2098e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.8627e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.5159e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 7.7115e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.5234e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.4148e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 7.2380e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.2656e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.3175e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 6.7890e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.9576e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.2238e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 6.3641e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.7049e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.1339e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 5.9627e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.4794e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 2.0476e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 5.5842e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.3324e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.9648e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 5.2278e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.1520e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.8855e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 4.8927e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.1128e-09
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.8095e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 4.5780e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 8.8935e-10
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.0408e+01
norm of the out-of-balance force: 1.7369e+00
norm of the out-of-balance force: 4.2829e-04
norm of the out-of-balance force: 8.2249e-10
Recorder.addData: 'stability' not initialized by the recorder: ignored
Total running time of the script: (2 minutes 10.093 seconds)