Element Testing: Analyzing Modes and Energy

Basic implementation test with applied loads.

Testing the tangent stiffness computation.

free   free
 ^     ^
 |     |
 3-----2 -> free
 |     | >
 |  a  | > (w = 1.0)
 |     | >
 0-----1 -> free

width:  10.
height: 10.

Material parameters: St. Venant-Kirchhoff, plane stress
    E  = 10.0
    nu =  0.30
    t  =  1.0

Author: Peter Mackenzie-Helnwein

# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 5

import numpy as np

from femedu.examples import Example

from femedu.domain import System, Node
from femedu.solver import NewtonRaphsonSolver
from femedu.elements.linear import Quad
from femedu.elements.linear import Quad9
from femedu.materials import PlaneStress

# -------------------------------------------------------------
#   Example setup
# -------------------------------------------------------------

params = dict(
    E  = 10., # Young's modulus
    nu = 0.3,   # Poisson's ratio
    t  = 1.0,   # thickness of the plate
    fy = 1.e30  # yield stress

a = 10.     # length of the plate in the x-direction
b = 12.     # length of the plate in the y-direction

model = System()

nd0 = Node( 0.0, 0.0)
nd1 = Node(   a, 0.0)
nd2 = Node(   a,   b)
nd3 = Node( 0.0,   b)

nd4 = Node( a/2, 0.0 )
nd5 = Node( a, b/2 )
nd6 = Node( a/2, b )
nd7 = Node( 0., b/2 )

nd8 = Node( a/2, b/2 )

model.addNode(nd0, nd1, nd2, nd3)  # corner nodes
model.addNode(nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7)  # midside nodes
model.addNode( nd8 )                      # center node

elemA = Quad(nd0, nd1, nd2, nd3, PlaneStress(params))
elemB = Quad9(nd0, nd1, nd2, nd3, nd4, nd5, nd6, nd7, nd8, PlaneStress(params))

# model.addElement(elemA)

elemA.setSurfaceLoad(face=1, pn=1.0)

model.plot(factor=0.0, title="Undeformed system", show_bc=1)
Undeformed system

We can have a quick look at the stiffness mode shapes using the buckling-mode plotter. These are simply eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Kt at the current load level (0.0)


# np.save('../../../Kplate.npy', model.solver.Kt)

for k in range(18):
    model.plotBucklingMode(mode=k, factor=1.0)
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 0.00 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 0.00 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 0.00 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 1.73 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 2.16 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 3.31 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 4.40 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 5.57 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 6.61 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 6.98 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 9.30 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 11.28 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 15.34 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 16.52 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 22.13 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 24.02 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 48.80 $
  • Mode Shape for $ \lambda = 63.17 $

Note the three rigid body modes (lam=0.0). It can be shown that all three are linear combinations of translations in x and y-directions and a rigid body rotation.

Now it is time to add boundary conditions, apply loads and check the convergence behavior.

nd0.fixDOF('ux', 'uy')


The output shows that we do have a quadratic rate of convergence.

Let’s finish off with a nice plot of the deformed system.


Deformed System (magnification=1.00)
System Analysis Report

      x:    [0.000 0.000]
      fix:  ['ux', 'uy']
      u:    [0.000 0.000]
      x:    [10.000 0.000]
      fix:  ['uy']
      u:    [0.000 0.000]
      x:    [10.000 12.000]
      u:    [0.000 0.000]
      x:    [0.000 12.000]
      fix:  ['ux']
      u:    [0.000 0.000]
      x:    [5.000 0.000]
      u:    [0.000 0.000]
      x:    [10.000 6.000]
      u:    [0.000 0.000]
      x:    [5.000 12.000]
      u:    [0.000 0.000]
      x:    [0.000 6.000]
      u:    [0.000 0.000]
      x:    [5.000 6.000]
      u:    [0.000 0.000]

  Quad9_842: nodes ( Node_620 Node_621 Node_622 Node_623 Node_624 Node_625 Node_626 Node_627 Node_628 )
      material: PlaneStress
      strain (0): xx=-1.110e-16 yy=-1.110e-16 xy=5.551e-17 zz=6.661e-17
      stress (0): xx=-1.586e-15 yy=-1.586e-15 xy=2.135e-16 zz=0.000e+00
      strain (1): xx=2.220e-16 yy=0.000e+00 xy=9.382e-17 zz=-6.661e-17
      stress (1): xx=2.440e-15 yy=7.320e-16 xy=3.609e-16 zz=0.000e+00
      strain (2): xx=2.220e-16 yy=-1.110e-16 xy=2.914e-16 zz=-3.331e-17
      stress (2): xx=2.074e-15 yy=-4.880e-16 xy=1.121e-15 zz=0.000e+00
      strain (3): xx=2.220e-16 yy=0.000e+00 xy=6.711e-18 zz=-6.661e-17
      stress (3): xx=2.440e-15 yy=7.320e-16 xy=2.581e-17 zz=0.000e+00
      strain (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=6.939e-17 zz=-0.000e+00
      stress (4): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=2.669e-16 zz=0.000e+00
      strain (5): xx=-2.220e-16 yy=2.220e-16 xy=-1.892e-16 zz=-0.000e+00
      stress (5): xx=-1.708e-15 yy=1.708e-15 xy=-7.276e-16 zz=0.000e+00
      strain (6): xx=0.000e+00 yy=8.882e-16 xy=1.943e-16 zz=-2.665e-16
      stress (6): xx=2.928e-15 yy=9.760e-15 xy=7.473e-16 zz=0.000e+00
      strain (7): xx=-2.220e-16 yy=-2.220e-16 xy=1.949e-16 zz=1.332e-16
      stress (7): xx=-3.172e-15 yy=-3.172e-15 xy=7.495e-16 zz=0.000e+00
      strain (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=1.388e-17 zz=-0.000e+00
      stress (8): xx=0.000e+00 yy=0.000e+00 xy=5.338e-17 zz=0.000e+00

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.250 seconds)

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